Estate Scale Delivers High Quality, High Intent Leads for Realtors to Generate Listings, Risk-Free

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Estate Scale Delivers High Quality, High Intent Leads for Realtors to Generate Listings, Risk-Free

June 17
19:05 2024

Estate Scale offers high quality, highly motivated leads to help North American realtors secure listings effortlessly. Utilizing advanced, finely tuned, and rigorously tested digital marketing strategies, Estate Scale directs traffic to their qualification funnels, converting leads into appointments that are automatically scheduled into realtors’ calendars. With Estate Scale, they can add 1-2 extra closed deals to monthly bottom lines on autopilot, risk-free, while freeing up more time for life outside of real estate.

Estate Scale is excited to introduce its innovative strategy for generating listings from online leads for clients. By focusing on delivering highly motivated, qualified sellers ready to convert into listings, Estate Scale is transforming the way realtors handle online real estate leads.

“We are thrilled to offer a groundbreaking service that enables our clients to acquire listings from online leads more effectively than ever,” said Austin, CEO of Estate Scale. “Our platform is user-friendly and provides highly qualified, committed leads, making it an ideal solution for any realtor aiming to boost their GCI.

Estate Scale stands out by providing genuine, highly motivated leads in the realtor’s specific area, with complete exclusivity. Realtors are integrated into Estate Scale’s CRM, where they can schedule appointments and engage with leads to initiate the sales process. The CRM displays detailed lead information, such as selling timelines, addresses, ownership status, property details, existing realtor relationships, and contact information.

Austin, CEO of Estate Scale, addressed the common issue of lead quality in the industry. “Typical online leads are often not serious about buying or selling, with most companies relying on low-intent forms through Facebook and Instagram ads, followed by outsourced assistants attempting to qualify these leads, which rarely works,” explained Austin. “I revamped the system to a more effective process, and since then, we have far exceeded our competition, making a significant impact in the industry.” Estate Scale’s platform employs advanced sales funnels and proven digital marketing techniques to identify the most qualified and motivated leads, setting a new standard in the industry. With a focus on delivering high-intent leads ready to sell or buy now, Estate Scale is an invaluable resource for real estate agents looking to enhance their GCI.

Beyond listing acquisition, Estate Scale offers an array of tools and resources to help clients excel in converting online leads and advancing their real estate careers. From delivering powerful scripts to performing database reactivation, Estate Scale provides everything clients need to improve their lead conversion rates. Their team is dedicated to optimizing clients’ online seller lead conversion processes to maximize monthly deal closures.

To learn more about Estate Scale and its lead generation and growth partner services, visit

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Company Name: Estate Scale
Contact Person: Austin
Email: Send Email
Country: United States

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